at the moment the last finnish group is packing at the lake Ulfjotsvatn. The camp site has been taken down and left better as it was before the camp. For example, the volunteers built the Roverway path around a small peninsula. With showels and small one-wheeled carriages!
Photos, comments, memories and so on will be blogged on the following days.
Best regards,
torstai 30. heinäkuuta 2009
Influenssa A(H1N1): rajaamisvaiheesta lievennysvaiheeseen 27.7.2009
Tiedote Suomen Roverway -joukkueelle
27.7.09 siirryttiin Suomessa asetusmuutoksella pandemian rajaamisvaiheesta lieventämisvaiheeseen. Rajaamisvaiheella pyrittiin katkaisemaan taudin maahantuonti, nyt lieventämisvaiheessa painopisteenä on vakavien tautimuotojen ehkäisy. Potilaat tutkitaan ja hoidetaan tarvittaessa perusterveydenhuollossa; sairaaloissa hoidetaan vain sairaalahoitoa tarvitsevia influenssapotilaita. Tavallisesta kausi-influenssasta poiketen influenssa A(H1N1) -virukseen sairastunee normaalia kausi-influenssaa suurempi osa väestöstä.
Influenssa A(H1N1) -viruksen aiheuttamaa hengitystieinfektioita ei voi kliinisesti erottaa muista hengitysteiden virusinfektioista. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL on sisällyttänyt kliinisiin kriteereihin seuraavat:
äkillisesti alkava kuumeilu (> 38 ºC)
joissakin tapauksissa ripuli
vakavissa tapauksissa pneumonian ja ARDS
Useissa virologisesti varmistetuissa tapauksissa kuumetta on kuitenkin ollut vähemmän kuin 38 ºC, joten kuume ei ole edellytys riskiryhmien hoidolle.
Kaikkia potilaita, joilla on influenssan kaltainen oireisto (engl. influenza like illness, ILI), pidetään influenssa A(H1N1) –tapauksina, riippumatta matka-anamneesista tai lähikontakteista tunnettuun influenssatapaukseen. Ne potilaat, joiden oireet ovat lieviä ja jotka eivät kuulu riskiryhmiin, eivät yleensä tarvitse lääkärin tekemää diagnoosia eivätkä lääkehoitoa. Tämä koskee myös matkalta palanneita henkilöitä. Influenssan virologista määrittämistä ei enää tarvita, mutta riskiryhmillä voi joissain tapauksissa olla hyötyä määrityksestä (esim. raskaana olevat, joilla lääkitys voidaan lopettaa jos näyte on negatiivinen).
Lieväoireisia potilaita ohjeistetaan sairastamaan kotona ja välttämään kontakteja riskiryhmiin. Heidän tautinsa paranee noin viikon kotilevolla (linkki kotihoito-ohjeisiin)
. Eristyksen kesto on 7 vrk oireiden alkamisesta tai 24 h oireiden päättymisestä, kumpi vain on pidempi aika.
Lääkehoito influenssalääkkeillä keskitetään pääsääntöisesti riskiryhmiin kuuluville potilaille, joilla on influenssan kaltainen oireisto. Jos riskiryhmään kuuluva saa ylähengitystieoireita, hänelle suositellaan aloitettavaksi lääkitys (ensisijaisesti Tamiflu®). Tämä koskee myös tilanteita, joissa perheenjäsen on sairastunut aiemmin ja riskiryhmään kuuluva alkaa tämän jälkeen oireilla (epäily tartunnasta). Ennaltaehkäisevää lääkitystä ei tule käyttää perusterveydenhuollossa lainkaan.
Riskiryhmiä ovat:
pitkäaikaissairaat, joilla on:
säännöllistä lääkitystä vaativa sydänsairaus, keuhkosairaus tai diabetes (ei lievä verenpainetauti)
krooninen maksan tai munuaisen vajaatoiminta
immuunivastetta heikentävä sairaus (esim. leukemia, lymfooma, HIV-infektio)
immuunivastetta heikentävä hoito (elinsiirto, solusalpaajat, TNF-alfasalpaaja, kortikosteroidi >15 mg/vrk 2-4 viikkoa, muu immuunivastetta heikentävä lääkehoito)
krooninen neurologinen sairaus tai hermolihastauti
sairaalloinen ylipaino (BMI > 40)
Lisäksi hoito tulisi aloittaa influenssan kaltaisissa oireissa seuraaville:
alle 3-vuotiaat lapset
raskaana olevat (koko raskauden ajan ja 4 viikkoa synnytyksen jälkeen)
influenssapotilaita hoitava terveydenhuollon henkilökunta
yli 65-vuotiaat huonokuntoiset vanhukset myös ilman riskiryhmäsairauksia
Joukkueenjohdon puolesta
Jaakko Piitulainen
Matkajoukkueen varajohtaja
27.7.09 siirryttiin Suomessa asetusmuutoksella pandemian rajaamisvaiheesta lieventämisvaiheeseen. Rajaamisvaiheella pyrittiin katkaisemaan taudin maahantuonti, nyt lieventämisvaiheessa painopisteenä on vakavien tautimuotojen ehkäisy. Potilaat tutkitaan ja hoidetaan tarvittaessa perusterveydenhuollossa; sairaaloissa hoidetaan vain sairaalahoitoa tarvitsevia influenssapotilaita. Tavallisesta kausi-influenssasta poiketen influenssa A(H1N1) -virukseen sairastunee normaalia kausi-influenssaa suurempi osa väestöstä.
Influenssa A(H1N1) -viruksen aiheuttamaa hengitystieinfektioita ei voi kliinisesti erottaa muista hengitysteiden virusinfektioista. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL on sisällyttänyt kliinisiin kriteereihin seuraavat:
äkillisesti alkava kuumeilu (> 38 ºC)
joissakin tapauksissa ripuli
vakavissa tapauksissa pneumonian ja ARDS
Useissa virologisesti varmistetuissa tapauksissa kuumetta on kuitenkin ollut vähemmän kuin 38 ºC, joten kuume ei ole edellytys riskiryhmien hoidolle.
Kaikkia potilaita, joilla on influenssan kaltainen oireisto (engl. influenza like illness, ILI), pidetään influenssa A(H1N1) –tapauksina, riippumatta matka-anamneesista tai lähikontakteista tunnettuun influenssatapaukseen. Ne potilaat, joiden oireet ovat lieviä ja jotka eivät kuulu riskiryhmiin, eivät yleensä tarvitse lääkärin tekemää diagnoosia eivätkä lääkehoitoa. Tämä koskee myös matkalta palanneita henkilöitä. Influenssan virologista määrittämistä ei enää tarvita, mutta riskiryhmillä voi joissain tapauksissa olla hyötyä määrityksestä (esim. raskaana olevat, joilla lääkitys voidaan lopettaa jos näyte on negatiivinen).
Lieväoireisia potilaita ohjeistetaan sairastamaan kotona ja välttämään kontakteja riskiryhmiin. Heidän tautinsa paranee noin viikon kotilevolla (linkki kotihoito-ohjeisiin)
. Eristyksen kesto on 7 vrk oireiden alkamisesta tai 24 h oireiden päättymisestä, kumpi vain on pidempi aika.
Lääkehoito influenssalääkkeillä keskitetään pääsääntöisesti riskiryhmiin kuuluville potilaille, joilla on influenssan kaltainen oireisto. Jos riskiryhmään kuuluva saa ylähengitystieoireita, hänelle suositellaan aloitettavaksi lääkitys (ensisijaisesti Tamiflu®). Tämä koskee myös tilanteita, joissa perheenjäsen on sairastunut aiemmin ja riskiryhmään kuuluva alkaa tämän jälkeen oireilla (epäily tartunnasta). Ennaltaehkäisevää lääkitystä ei tule käyttää perusterveydenhuollossa lainkaan.
Riskiryhmiä ovat:
pitkäaikaissairaat, joilla on:
säännöllistä lääkitystä vaativa sydänsairaus, keuhkosairaus tai diabetes (ei lievä verenpainetauti)
krooninen maksan tai munuaisen vajaatoiminta
immuunivastetta heikentävä sairaus (esim. leukemia, lymfooma, HIV-infektio)
immuunivastetta heikentävä hoito (elinsiirto, solusalpaajat, TNF-alfasalpaaja, kortikosteroidi >15 mg/vrk 2-4 viikkoa, muu immuunivastetta heikentävä lääkehoito)
krooninen neurologinen sairaus tai hermolihastauti
sairaalloinen ylipaino (BMI > 40)
Lisäksi hoito tulisi aloittaa influenssan kaltaisissa oireissa seuraaville:
alle 3-vuotiaat lapset
raskaana olevat (koko raskauden ajan ja 4 viikkoa synnytyksen jälkeen)
influenssapotilaita hoitava terveydenhuollon henkilökunta
yli 65-vuotiaat huonokuntoiset vanhukset myös ilman riskiryhmäsairauksia
Joukkueenjohdon puolesta
Jaakko Piitulainen
Matkajoukkueen varajohtaja
keskiviikko 29. heinäkuuta 2009
Roverway´09 is over
Roverway´09 scoutcamp for rovers is over and our teams are getting back home. Some groups are still in Iceland going around and exploring the amazing landscape of this extraordinary land.
During Althingi we had minor problems with our connection to internet and soforth we weren´t able to update our blog. Everything went well and feedback from our participants has been good.
During the four days in Lake Ulfjotnsvatn Scout centre we had loads of fun. Friday and saturday participants went around activityvillages. On sunday we had the whole camp got together for international carnival day. Finish contigent baked a "lätty"-doe of 60 eags and prepared it all. President of Iceland visited our point and had a taste of Lätty.
On tuesday we had a closing ceremony and after that groups started to leave the campsite. Most of our contigent has allready arrived back to Finland.
We want to inform our participants families about a two cases of svineflue on Roverway. There is now need to worry. Both cases were non Fin and weren´t on same tribes. Both cases have been taken care and controlled by national healthcare of Iceland. Both cases where able to come back to camp for Althingi.
None of our participants have had any symptoms. Svineflue is not dangerous if taken care in time. It´s not much different from normal flue. If there is a case of svineflue after camp it´s important to contact the contigent leader Lauri Hilander. All questions regarding this topic should be taken to Lauri.
We will try to update our blog tomorrow again.
From home sweet home Finland:
Lauri "Muppe" Hilander
During Althingi we had minor problems with our connection to internet and soforth we weren´t able to update our blog. Everything went well and feedback from our participants has been good.
During the four days in Lake Ulfjotnsvatn Scout centre we had loads of fun. Friday and saturday participants went around activityvillages. On sunday we had the whole camp got together for international carnival day. Finish contigent baked a "lätty"-doe of 60 eags and prepared it all. President of Iceland visited our point and had a taste of Lätty.
On tuesday we had a closing ceremony and after that groups started to leave the campsite. Most of our contigent has allready arrived back to Finland.
We want to inform our participants families about a two cases of svineflue on Roverway. There is now need to worry. Both cases were non Fin and weren´t on same tribes. Both cases have been taken care and controlled by national healthcare of Iceland. Both cases where able to come back to camp for Althingi.
None of our participants have had any symptoms. Svineflue is not dangerous if taken care in time. It´s not much different from normal flue. If there is a case of svineflue after camp it´s important to contact the contigent leader Lauri Hilander. All questions regarding this topic should be taken to Lauri.
We will try to update our blog tomorrow again.
From home sweet home Finland:
Lauri "Muppe" Hilander
perjantai 24. heinäkuuta 2009
The Althingi has begun
The journeys are working fine and the participant are most propably having lots of fun. The contingent has had reports from the joyrneys every day. On some journeys there was at first a little bit of too little food and on some joyrneys too much. ”So there was cheese and tomatoes and cucumber for the bread but they ran out of ham, for example”, as the camp chief Asta said.
The weather has been excellent so far although the forecast for next days is a little bit more chilly. As there's no forests in Iceland, it's quite windy at the camp site. That means less midgets. It's clear that finnish scouts have the right equipment with them as we're pretty used to summer showers during scout camps.
During Friday the tribes have gathered to Ulfjotsvatni Scout Center and the Althingi begins. Tomorrow we'll have more to tell you about the activities of finnish contingent on Roverway.
The opening ceremony was a great event with pictures and stories about the joyrneys. The tribes have formed tent sites on five shires and bonding between participants continues still when blogging this up.
The weather has been excellent so far although the forecast for next days is a little bit more chilly. As there's no forests in Iceland, it's quite windy at the camp site. That means less midgets. It's clear that finnish scouts have the right equipment with them as we're pretty used to summer showers during scout camps.
During Friday the tribes have gathered to Ulfjotsvatni Scout Center and the Althingi begins. Tomorrow we'll have more to tell you about the activities of finnish contingent on Roverway.
The opening ceremony was a great event with pictures and stories about the joyrneys. The tribes have formed tent sites on five shires and bonding between participants continues still when blogging this up.
keskiviikko 22. heinäkuuta 2009
Getting prepared at lake Ulfjotsvatni
The teams are on their journeys with the tribes. We've got lots of positive news from the journeys and also the Icelandic media has being interested in the event. So far the finnish contingent hasn't experienced any bigger misfortunes during the journeys.
The International Service Team (IST) including the Finnish contingent staff has been stationed already on the lake Ulfjotsvatni Scout Center where the Althingi will be held. The tribes will arrive to Althingi on Friday. Before that IST is preparing the camp site for almost 3000 Rovers.
The camp site has some permanent facilities like thermically heated showers, porcelain toilets and couple of buildings that are used as offices. Circus tents, movable tents, stage, dining and kitchen tents, work shop tents, activity areas and much much more are being pulled up during the preparation days.
On Tuesday evening the Italian Contingent gave us a brilliant camp fire. On a long joyrney from Italy to Iceland the heroes visited all the nations on Roverway. The cavalcade of different traditional and not-so-traditional camp fire shows gave us an impression about the great diversity of national scout cultures. The evening also highlighted the fact that we all live under the same blue sky and that after all we are all different and all equal.
'The feeling on the camp site is easy-going and enthousiastic. Everyone is waiting equally the participants to arrive and the real fun to start', commented Juho Toivola from Kaarinan Ristiritarit. Juho is a member of the WOSM-team at the Roverway.
The International Service Team (IST) including the Finnish contingent staff has been stationed already on the lake Ulfjotsvatni Scout Center where the Althingi will be held. The tribes will arrive to Althingi on Friday. Before that IST is preparing the camp site for almost 3000 Rovers.
The camp site has some permanent facilities like thermically heated showers, porcelain toilets and couple of buildings that are used as offices. Circus tents, movable tents, stage, dining and kitchen tents, work shop tents, activity areas and much much more are being pulled up during the preparation days.
On Tuesday evening the Italian Contingent gave us a brilliant camp fire. On a long joyrney from Italy to Iceland the heroes visited all the nations on Roverway. The cavalcade of different traditional and not-so-traditional camp fire shows gave us an impression about the great diversity of national scout cultures. The evening also highlighted the fact that we all live under the same blue sky and that after all we are all different and all equal.
'The feeling on the camp site is easy-going and enthousiastic. Everyone is waiting equally the participants to arrive and the real fun to start', commented Juho Toivola from Kaarinan Ristiritarit. Juho is a member of the WOSM-team at the Roverway.
maanantai 20. heinäkuuta 2009
Roverway 2009 has begun
Under the hot sun of Reykjavik we celebrated the start of Roverway 2009. There was music, speeches and fireworks as we started our adventure on the lawn of the university in Reykjavik.
After the ceremony all groups started their Journeys, where they will experience Iceland, its culture and nature in various ways, from hiking on the glaciers to sailing to sharing stories and learning about local folklore. The IST (International Service Team) members will go to Althingi, the camp site, to prepare for Friday when the rest come to the camp.
Things are looking great weather-wise and the atmosphere is high too. Surely this will be a scouting experience to remember. The Finnish contingent is prepared to Open Up!
After the ceremony all groups started their Journeys, where they will experience Iceland, its culture and nature in various ways, from hiking on the glaciers to sailing to sharing stories and learning about local folklore. The IST (International Service Team) members will go to Althingi, the camp site, to prepare for Friday when the rest come to the camp.
Things are looking great weather-wise and the atmosphere is high too. Surely this will be a scouting experience to remember. The Finnish contingent is prepared to Open Up!
lauantai 18. heinäkuuta 2009
Greetings from sunny Reykjavik
Many of the Finnish groups have already arrived in Reykjavik, welcomed by the warming sun and lovely Icelandic scouts. Roverway representatives greet everybody already at the airport and give out an information pack, etc. For the moment most of the Finnish contingent members are enjoying Reykjavik in various ways, visiting thermal baths, sightseeing, going whale watching or just hanging around the city centre.
Reykjavik is a lovely city, and surprisingly peaceful even during the weekend. The scouts and guides that have arrived all over Europe to experience Roverway are a very common sight, it seems they are everywhere. Some of us are still roaming the streets incognito but that will all change on Monday.
So far Iceland has welcomed us with open arms and we look forward to all the fun that we'll be having in the following few weeks.
Eväät reppuun - snacks aboard
The main group of Finnish contingent has arrived to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. We made a short gallup what kind of snacks our scouts have taken with them.
'I'm going to shop some salmiakki after the security check', said Elsa, member of troop Jeanne d'Arc.
Sami and Eetu trust that finnish candies open up cultural boundaries.
'Traditional finnish sandwiches, but ofcourse', laughed Elina and Anna from Kurikan Korvenkävijät when I asked if they've got some food stables with them.
Waiting the tastes of Icelandic kitchen..
'I'm going to shop some salmiakki after the security check', said Elsa, member of troop Jeanne d'Arc.
Sami and Eetu trust that finnish candies open up cultural boundaries.
'Traditional finnish sandwiches, but ofcourse', laughed Elina and Anna from Kurikan Korvenkävijät when I asked if they've got some food stables with them.
Waiting the tastes of Icelandic kitchen..
perjantai 17. heinäkuuta 2009
Finnish teams on their way
Dear Roverway Diary,
I'm writing for the first time. I'm writing on the behalf of the finnish contingent on the Roverway 2009. All our ten teams have been busy last weeks preparing their Icelandic experience.
The first members of our team have allready reached Reykjavik. I hope to get a comment from them later on today.
The Roverway opening ceremonies begin on Monday 20th of July. Before that we have good time to explore Reykjavik and beyond.
Dear reader,
this is a Diary of the Finnish contingent for Roverway. Your warmly welcome to read! This diary is written especially for our friends and relatives but is open for everyone willing to join a true finnish scouting experience.
The official Roverway -site is (with news and pictures):
The Finnish Contingent -site (in finnish):
I'm writing for the first time. I'm writing on the behalf of the finnish contingent on the Roverway 2009. All our ten teams have been busy last weeks preparing their Icelandic experience.
The first members of our team have allready reached Reykjavik. I hope to get a comment from them later on today.
The Roverway opening ceremonies begin on Monday 20th of July. Before that we have good time to explore Reykjavik and beyond.
Dear reader,
this is a Diary of the Finnish contingent for Roverway. Your warmly welcome to read! This diary is written especially for our friends and relatives but is open for everyone willing to join a true finnish scouting experience.
The official Roverway -site is (with news and pictures):
The Finnish Contingent -site (in finnish):
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